Zinn's ‘A People’s History’

Celebs to voice ‘A People’s History’ - Josh Brolin will do Mark Twain; Marisa Tomei will read the words of George Bush stalker-mom Cindy Sheehan; and Viggo Mortensen will channel Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs when the cameras roll Tuesday on “The People Speak” at the Cutler Majestic Theatre. The event, which will be filmed for a four-part TV miniseries... Boston Herald  2-jan-2008


Guido Knopp

Hitlers Trommler und die Leichenfledderei - Geschichte im Fernsehen ist seit Jahren schon ein Quotengarant, vor allem, wenn Hitler mitspielt. Guido Knopp verdankt dem historischen Interesse seine zahlreichen Filmerfolge, von „Hitlers Helfer“ über „Hitlers Krieger“ bis zur fünfteiligen Dokumentation „Die Wehrmacht. Eine Bilanz“, die in den vergangenen Wochen zur Hauptsendezeit im Zweiten zu sehen war... Frankfurter Allgemeine 3-jan-2008

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Pakistan komt voort uit haat en godsdienstoorlog - Het Indische subcontinent werd rond het jaar 715 aangevallen door een jihadistisch leger van het Omajjaden Kalifaat (661-749). De islam was toen al negen decennia in de wereld. Mohammed ibn Qasem Soqfa wordt genoemd als de veroveraar van Sindh. Hij richtte een slachting aan onder de ‘ongelovige hindoes’ en vernietigde de tempels van hindoes... Elsevier 2-jan-2008


Rode October chocolade

Moscow loses sweet slice of history - Famous Red October chocolate factory is to be converted into homes for rich Russians. The chocolate aroma is unmistakeable. The only person missing is Willy Wonka - or possibly Augustus Gloop. For more than 130 years the Red October chocolate factory in Moscow has been churning out bars for sweet-toothed Russians... The Guardian 31-dec-2007

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Historische foto's gered

Rescuing history - Hunks of American history, much of it in Chicago, were literally destined for the dustbin over the past 40 years. Sizable collections of glass-plate photographic negatives documenting life in these United States, some from as early as the 1850s, were too bulky to store, too fragile, heavy and cumbersome to move. And so they were set to be tossed in the trash... Suntimes 30-dec-2007

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Fosielen vs Vinex

Ancient history vs. Vegas development - Local real estate agent Sandy Croteau made a somewhat surprising pitch as she traipsed through a vacant, gravel-filled wash: She wants to spare the expanse from home developers. Trying to halt this city's growth may be a Sisyphean task, but Croteau, 60, is counting on help from some sun-worn mammoth bones... L.A. Times  29-dec-2007

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Chinees erfgoed bedreigd

Urban renewal needs to respect history - Xintiandi, a trendy bar/restaurant area in Shanghai, lures visitors with its charming shikumen (stone-framed) houses, many of which were actually rebuilt just seven years ago. But just 10 minutes walk from the historic Yuyuan Garden area, an 80-year-old shikumen house, where I was born, will be bulldozed... Xinhuanet  29-dec-2007


Japans-Chinese geschiedenis

Japanese PM urges proper treatment of history - Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on Friday said Japan would "very earnestly" reflect on the "agonizing part of history" and continue to follow the path of peaceful development so as to establish "forward-looking China-Japan relations". Xinhuanet 28-dec-2008

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