Multicultureel (geschiedenis-) onderwijs

De aanslag van het multiculturalisme op het onderwijs - In plaats van vragen om advies van een Canadese deskundige, zou de PvdA er goed aan doen om alle onderwijshervormingen die in naam van de ‘gelijkheid’ en de multikul zijn doorgevoerd terug te draaien... Het Vrije Volk 16-sept-2007


Plundering & vernieling oudheden

It is the death of history - 2,000-year-old Sumerian cities torn apart and plundered by robbers. The very walls of the mighty Ur of the Chaldees cracking under the strain of massive troop movements, the privatisation of looting as landlords buy up the remaining sites of ancient Mesopotamia to strip them of their artefacts and wealth... The Independent 17-sept-2007


Saatchi & Saatchi

Saatchi & Saatchi: The agency that made Tory history - The brothers from Baghdad were virtually unknown when their brilliant ad campaign rocketed Margaret Thatcher into power. The headline that the advertising (and political) world never thought it would see appeared in Campaign last week: "Labour turns to Saatchis"... The Independent 17-sept-2007

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Gondel geschiedenis

The history and origins of the gondola - The gondola is the symbol of Venice and is shrouded in myth and mystery, writes Tim Jepson. Dark, silent and sinister, the gondola - for all its romantic allure - is an equivocal vessel. "Moths of which coffins might have been the chrysalis," mused Shelley in 1818... Telegraph 16-sept-2007
