Russische leiders

How history judges Russia's leaders -- President Vladimir Putin has been credited with making Russia either stronger or more aggressive, depending on your point of view, but history has yet to deliver the final verdict as the fluctuating views of past Russian leaders clearly illustrate... BBCnews 21-jul-2007


Digitalisering Europese geschiedenis

Europa digitaliseert zijn geschiedenis In navolging van Nederland, Groot-Brittannië en Zweden -- Het cultureel erfgoed van Europa wordt voor iedere burger toegankelijk gemaakt. Dat voorstel van de Europese Commissie is door het Europees Parlement overgenomen. Boeken, foto's en films van Europese makelij, zullen daarom worden gedigitaliseerd... VPRO geschiedenis 21-jul-2007

Geschiedenis van geweld

Eine Geschichte der Gewalt -- Im Paris des 16. Jahrhunderts war Katzenverbrennen eine beliebte Unterhaltungsform. Dabei wurde auf einer Bühne eine Schlinge um eine Katze gebunden und sie wurde langsam in ein Feuer hinab gelassen. Laut dem Historiker Norman Davies „brüllten die Zuschauer vor Lachen..." HPD 20-jul-2007


History should start at the beginning and continue in an orderly fashion -- Children must be taught landmark dates in chronological order from primary school, to give them a common sense of British history and identity, Ofsted tells the Government today... Timesonline 20-jul-2007

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Overstroming creëerde Engeland

Megaflood 'made Island Britain' -- Britain became separated from mainland Europe after a catastrophic flood some time before 200,000 years ago, a sonar study of the English Channel confirms. Scientists tell the journal Nature that the torrent probably came from a giant lake in what is now the North Sea...


Zesdaagse Oorlog

Six-Day War, in Revisionist History, Was Provoked by Israelis -- For most Israelis and much of the world, the 1967 Six-Day War is a simple David and Goliath story. Syria lobs shells onto the Galilee. Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser orders United Nations troops out of his way, masses his army opposite the border with Israel and vows to drive the Jews into the sea... Bloomberg 19-jul-2007

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Lin Biao gerehabiliteerd

Lin Biao regains his place in army history -- Marshal Lin Biao, who was handpicked by Chairman Mao Zedong to succeed him as China's leader but who died a traitor, has been resurrected as an army hero in a new exhibition in Beijing's Military Museum... China Daily 17-jul-2207
